The Research Group BRITANNIA proposed a panel within the framework of the Second National Political Science Congress: Poland, Europe and the Challenges of Modern World. The No. 38 panel entitled British Politics and the European Integration, was divided in two parts of 120 minutes each. The proceedings were scheduled for September 20, 2012 at 17.00–19.00 and September 21 at 9.00–11.00. There were 13 presentations prepared by researchers representing academic institutions from all over Poland.
Agenda of the British Politics and European Integration Process Panel (chaired by Dr Przemysław Biskup)
Part 1: September 20, 2012 (17.00–19.00):
- Dr Przemysław Biskup (University of Warsaw): Influence of the British Federalist Concepts on United Kingdom’s Participation in the European Integration Process.
- Dr Tomasz Czapiewski (University of Szczecin): Scotland and Europe in the Perspective of the Independence Referendum.
- Dr Anna Garczewska (University College of Torun): Community Law vs. United Kingdom Legal System and Politics.
- Dr Małgorzata Kaczorowska (University of Warsaw): British Political Parties and the European Union.
- Tomasz Lignar (University of Rzeszow): United Kingdom and the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy.
- Dr Grzegorz Ronek (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin): Major British Political Parties’ Approach to the European Integration.
Part 2: September 21, 2012 (9.00–11.00):
- Dr Krzysztof Winkler (Polish Association for British and Commonwealth Studies): Britain between the EU and the Commonwealth and Asia.
- Dr Anna Nowakowska-Dryk (Lodz International Studies Academy): UK’s European Policy under the Gordon Brown Government.
- Mariusz Burkacki M.A. (University of Warsaw): Evolution of Labour Party’s Position in regard of the European Integration.
- Dr Bartłomiej Zdaniuk (University of Warsaw): Perspectives of the Franco-British Cooperation in the Light of the 2012 French Presidential and Parliamentary Elections.
- Dr Urszula Kurcewicz (University of Warsaw): Britain and the Crisis of Multicultural Society: In Search for New Models of Migrant Integration.
- Dr Wojciech Lewandowski (University of Warsaw): Influence of the British Political Graphic Novels on European Culture.
- Dr Bartłomiej Toszek (University of Szczecin): Papist Assault: Anglicanorum Coetibus as an Instrument of Catholic Church Influence Restitution in England and Wales.