Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Institute
of European Studies, University of Warsaw
Polish Scholarly Bibliography
Expert on Europe
Assistant Professor at the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw; doctoral thesis on Doctrine of Sovereignty in British Constitutional Law and Practice defended in 2006 (Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw); MA in Political Science (Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw); LLM (Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw); Marie Curie Fellow at the Sussex European Institute; founding member and coordinator of the British Socio-Political Studies Research Group BRITANNIA; member of the European Parties, Elections and Referendums Network, member of the New Zealand Studies Association.
Membership in Research Groups and Societies
- Since January 2015 – member of the Management Board of the Warsaw Regional Branch of the Polish Political Science Association (PTNP).
- Since 2013 – founding member of the Polish Association for European Studies (PTSE), as well as since February 2014 a member of the national arbitration tribunal of the Association, and of the regional arbitration tribunal of the Warsaw Branch of the Association.
- Since January 2013 – member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and of the Research Committee RC03 – European Unification and of the Research Committee RC14 - Politics and Ethnicity.
- Since July 2012 – member of the New Zealand Studies Association.
- Since May 2012 – member of the Management Board of the Polish British and Commonwealth Studies Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Brytanicznych).
- Since September 2011 – member of the European Parties Elections and Referendums Network (EPERN), Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex.
- Since 2009 – founding member and the coordinator of the British Socio-Political Studies Research Group BRITANNIA.
Research interests
- UK’s constitutional law
- Devolution
- UK’s European policy-making and Europeanization
- UK’s relations with the Commonwealth countries and Ireland
- Euroscepticism and EU’s democratic deficit
- European Parliament
- History of Western political thought
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2007. "Prawno-polityczna ewolucja brytyjskiej doktryny suwerenności" [Legal and Political Evolution of the British Doctrine of Sovereignty]. Warszawa: Elipsa.
Edited books:
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Małgorzata Kaczorowska, eds. 2013. "System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa" [Political System of the United Kingdom]. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Franciszek Gołembski, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, Wojciech Lewandowski, eds. 2011. "Polityka brytyjska po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010. Analiza wybranych problemów" [British Politics after the General Election 2010: Analysis of Select Problems]. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Franciszek Gołembski, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, eds. 2010. "Era Blaira i Browna. Wybrane problemy polityczne rządów Partii Pracy w Zjednoczonym Królestwie 1997–2010". [Blair’s and Brown’s Era. Select Political Problems of Labour Government in the United Kingdom 1997–2010]. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
Selected papers published in academic journals:
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2012. “’Stany Zjednoczone Europy’ Winstona Churchilla” [Winston Churchill’s ‘United States of Europe’: Translation, Edition and Notes to Winston Churchill’s Article Published in the ‘Saturday Evening Post’, 1930]. Przegląd Europejski 2(25): 118–150.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2010. “Polityka historyczna Tudorów i jej instrumenty prawne na przykładzie ‘Kronik Królewskich’ Szekspira” [Tudorian History Policy and Its Instruments: The Case of Shakespeare’s Chronicles]. Społeczeństwo i Polityka 3-4(24-25): 229–250.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2008. “Aspekty metodologiczne projektu badawczego nt. doktryny suwerenności w konstytucjonalizmie brytyjskim” [Methodological Aspects of Research on the Evolution of UK’s Doctrine of Sovereignty]. Przegląd Europejski 2(17): 24–33.
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Franciszek Gołembski, Michał Gierycz, Justyna Miecznikowska, Adam Szymański. 2008. „Metodyka badań oraz opis projektu badawczego ‘Rola polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego w kształtowaniu jego polityki 2004–2009’” [The Aims and the Methodological Aspects in the Research Project on the Role of Polish MEPs in Developing European Parliament’s Policies: 2004-2009]. Przegląd Europejski 1(16): 17–21.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2008. “Koncepcja ustawy zasadniczej dla Zjednoczonego Królestwa według propozycji Institute for Public Policy Research” [Project of the Written Constitution for the United Kingdom: Analysis of the Proposals by the Institute for Public Policy Research]. Studia i Prace. Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społeczne SGH, Issue 16: 133–154.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2008. “Rozwój koncepcji i praktyka administracji w Imperium Brytyjskim” [Evolution of Administration Concepts and Practice in the British Empire]. Zeszyty Naukowe Toruńskiej Szkoły Wyższej, Nr 5: Nowoczesna administracja [Issue 5: Modern Administration], edited by Anna Zaborowska: 27–45.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2007. “Instytucja referendum w brytyjskiej praktyce konstytucyjnej” [Institution of Referendum in the British Constitutional Practice]. Przegląd Sejmowy 1(78): 87–106.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2004. “Brytyjski projekt konstytucji dla Federacji Europy Zachodniej” [Translation of the British Project of Constitution for the Federation of Western Europe]. Przegląd Sejmowy 2(61): 242–261.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2004. “Historyczne podłoże federalizmu brytyjskiego” [Historical Background of the British Federalism]. Studia i Prace. Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społeczne SGH, Issues 6: 25–51.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2003. Skład, organizacja i funkcje brytyjskiej Izby Lordów [Membership, Organisation and Constitutional Role of the UK House of Lords], Państwo i Prawo 2(684): 90–101.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2002. Dostosowanie Wielkiej Brytanii do wymogów integracji prawnej Unii Europejskiej [British Approach Towards the Legal Dimension of the European Integration], Wspólnoty Europejskie 11(134): 8–16.
Selected book chapters:
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2014. “Perspektywy polityki europejskiej Zjednoczonego Królestwa” [Perspectives of UK’s European Policy-Making]. In Aleksander Hall, Waldemar Czachur, Przemysław Biskup. 2014. Polityka europejska trzech kluczowych państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej: Francja, Niemcy, Wielka Brytania [European Policy-Making of Key Member States: France, Germany and the United Kingdom], 55–87. Warszawa: Forum Inicjatyw Rozwojowych Fundacji Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Wsi Polskiej. [ISBN: 978-83-938806-5-2]
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Piotr Mikuli. 2013. “Status prawny sędziego w Zjednoczonym Królestwie Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej” [Legal Status of a Judge in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland]. In Status prawny sędziego we współczesnych systemach politycznych [Legal Status of a Judge in Contemporary Political Systems], edited by Piotr Mikuli, 23–64. Koszalin-Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Gdańskiej Wyższej Szkoły Humanistycznej. [ISBN 978-83-89277-26-8] [own share: 65%]
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2013. “Wpływ brytyjskiej tożsamości politycznej na udział Zjednoczonego Królestwa w europejskich projektach integracyjnych” [Influence of British Political Identity on United Kingdom’s Participation in European Integration Projects]. In Teorie i metody w studiach europejskich [Theories and Methods in the European Studies], edited by Anna Skolimowska, 31–40. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Łośgraf.
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Małgorzata Kaczorowska, Cezary Piątkowski, Krzysztof Winkler. 2013. “Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej” [The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland]. In Systemy polityczne państw Unii Europejskiej [Political System of the EU Member States], edited by Konstanty Adam Wojtaszczyk, Monika Poboży, vol. 2, 575–666. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Liber. [own share: 67%]
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Małgorzata Kaczorowska. 2012. “Wstęp” [Introduction]. In System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Political System of the United Kingdom], edited by Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, 13–22. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR. [own share: 50%]
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2012. “Zarys historii politycznej Zjednoczonego Królestwa” [Outline of Political History of the United Kingdom]. In System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Political System of the United Kingdom], edited by Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, 25–54. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Filip Ilkowski. 2012. “Współczesne społeczeństwo brytyjskie” [Contemporary British Society]. In System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Political System of the United Kingdom], edited by Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, 55–73. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR. [own share: 50%]
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2012. “Historia ustroju Zjednoczonego Królestwa” [History of the United Kingdom’s Constitutional System]. In System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Political System of the United Kingdom], edited by Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, 133–166. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2012. “Konstytucja Zjednoczonego Królestwa” [The United Kingdom’s Constitution: Structure and Key Principles]. In System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Political System of the United Kingdom], edited by Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, 167–178. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2012. “Struktura władz publicznych” [Institutional Framework of Governance in the UK]: subchapters: 1. “Monarchia i Korona”; 2. “Westminster: Parlament Zjednoczonego Królestwa”; 3. “Parlament a instytucja referendum” [1. Monarchy and the Crown; 2. The Westminster: UK’s Parliament; 3. Parliamentary Sovereignty vs. Referenda]; and in co-authorship with K. Winkler the subchapters: 5. “Struktury władz dewolucyjnych i lokalnych”; 6. “Organy ochrony prawnej” [5. Structure of devolved and local government; 6. The judiciary and ombudsmen]. In System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Political System of the United Kingdom], edited by Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, 179–212. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR. [own share: 70%]
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2012. “Zjednoczone Królestwo a integracja europejska” [United Kingdom and European Integration]. In System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Political System of the United Kingdom], edited by Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, 313–324. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2011. “Perspektywy polityki europejskiej Zjednoczonego Królestwa po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010” [Perspectives of UK’s European Policy after the 2010 General Election]. In Polityka brytyjska po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010. Analiza wybranych problemów [British Politics after the General Election 2010: Analysis of Selected Problems], edited by Franciszek Gołembski, Przemysłąw Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, Wojciech Lewandowski, 145–169. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2010. “Rola polskich posłów w kształtowaniu Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa oraz wymiaru wschodniego UE” [Role of Polish MEPs in Developing the European Neighborhood Policy and the Eastern Dimension of the European Union]. In Rola polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego w kształtowaniu wybranych polityk UE (2004-2009) [Role of Polish MEPs in Developing the Selected Policies of the European Union: 2004–2009], edited by Franciszek Gołembski, 165–207. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Franciszek Gołembski, Michał Gierycz, Justyna Miecznikowska, Adam Szymański. 2010. “Założenia badawcze projektu pt. Rola polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego w kształtowaniu jego polityki (2004–2009)” [Theories and Methods in the Research Project on the Role of Polish MEPs in Developing European Parliament’s Policies: 2004-2009]. In Rola polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego w kształtowaniu wybranych polityk UE (2004–2009) [Role of Polish MEPs in Developing the Selected Policies of the European Union: 2004–2009], edited by Franciszek Gołembski, 13–22. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR. [own share: 20%]
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Adam Dąbrowski. 2010. “Działalność polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego podczas kadencji 2004–2009 z perspektywy praktyków” [Activities of Polish MEPs in the European Parliament of the 6th Term: 2004–2009: Edition of an Interview with Urszula Gacek MEP and Janusz Onyszkliewicz MEP]. In Rola polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego w kształtowaniu wybranych polityk UE (2004–2009) [Role of Polish MEPs in Developing the Selected Policies of the European Union: 2004–2009], edited by Franciszek Gołembski, 247–265. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR. [own share: 50%]
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2010. “Zjednoczone Królestwo a integracja europejska pod rządami Partii Pracy (1997–2009)” [United Kingdom and the European Integration under Labour Governments of 1997–2010]. In Era Blaira i Browna. Wybrane problemy polityczne rządów Partii Pracy w Zjednoczonym Królestwie 1997-2010 [Blair’s and Brown’s Era. Select Political Problems of Labour Government in the United Kingdom 1997–2010], edited by Franciszek Gołembski, Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzta Kaczorowska, 199–223. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2010. “Rozwój eurosceptycyzmu brytyjskiego w czasie rządów Partii Konserwatywnej i Partii Pracy w latach 1979–2009” [Development of UK Euroscepticism under Conservative and Labour Goverments: 1979-2009]. In Od Thatcher do Blaira. Wielka Brytania na przełomie XX i XXI w. [From Thatcher to Blair: Britain at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries], edited by Bartłomiej H. Toszek, Tomasz Czapiewski, 59–83. Szczecin: Wyd. Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2010. “Korporacje transnarodowe a współczesne formy państwa i suwerenności” [Multinational Corporations and New Forms of State and Sovereignty]. In Korporacje transnarodowe – jeden temat, różne spojrzenia [Multinational Corporations: Diverse Perspectives on Single Issue], edited by T. Gardocka, Jerzy Menkes, 127–151. Warszawa: Academica – Wydawnictwo Szkoły Wyższej Psychologii Społecznej.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2009. “Wielka Brytania a małe państwa basenu Morza Śródziemnego. Brytyjska polityka kolonialna i dekolonizacyjna wobec Malty, Cypru i Gibraltaru” [The United Kingdom and Small states of the Mediterranean: British Colonisation and Decolonisation Policies towards Malta, Cyprus and Gibraltar]. In Małe państwa Europy – specyfika systemu politycznego [Small States of Europe: Specificity of Their Political Systems], edited by Dariusz Popławski, 187–209. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2007. “Historyczna ewolucja idei suwerenności” [Evolution of the Idea of Sovereignty in History]. In Integracja a granice suwerenności [International Integration and the Limits of Sovereignty], edited by Janusz Gołębiowski, 113–130. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Cła i Logistyki.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2006. “Problem jedności Europy z perspektywy brytyjskiej: wspólnota celów i tradycji czy system równowagi siły?” [British Approach to European Unity: Community of Aims and Values, or Balance of Power System?]. In Jedność europejska [European Unity], edited by Franciszek Gołembski, 109–148. Warszawa: Elipsa.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2012. “Ideologia” [Ideology]. In Repetytorium maturalne WOS. Wiedza o społeczeństwie [Handbook in Social Studies for Students Preparing for the Secondary-School Final Exams], edited by Konstanty Adam Wojtaszczyk, Wojciech Jakubowski, Łukasz Zamęcki, 105–124. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Poltext.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2012. “Prawo i jego funkcje” [Law and Its Functions]. In Repetytorium maturalne WOS. Wiedza o społeczeństwie [Handbook in Social Studies for Students Preparing for the Secondary-School Final Exams], edited by Konstanty Adam Wojtaszczyk, Wojciech Jakubowski, Łukasz Zamęcki, 371–387. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Poltext.
Research and working papers:
Opinions and analyses:
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2014. “Perspektywy polityki europejskiej Zjednoczonego Królestwa” [Perspectives of UK’s European Policy-Making]. In Aleksander Hall, Waldemar Czachur, Przemysław Biskup. 2014. Polityka europejska trzech kluczowych państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej: Francja, Niemcy, Wielka Brytania [European Policy-Making of Key Member States: France, Germany and the United Kingdom], 55–87. Warszawa: Forum Inicjatyw Rozwojowych Fundacji Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Wsi Polskiej. [ISBN: 978-83-938806-5-2]
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2013. “Integracja czy dezintegracja? Przyszłość Unii Europejskiej z perspektywy brytyjskiej” [Integration, or Disintegration? Future of the UE from the British Perspective]: Analysis prepared for the European Centre Natolin. Analiza natolińska 5(63).
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2013. “Czterdziestolecie brytyjskiego członkostwa w UE” [40 Years of British Membership in the EU]: Opinion prepared for the European Commission Representation in Poland in February 2013.
Conference reports:
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2010. “Sprawozdanie z II Ogólnopolskiej Brytanicznej Konferencji Naukowej pt. Zjednoczone Królestwo po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010 r.” [Conference Report from the Second National British Studies Conference: United Kingdom after the General Election 2010]. Przegląd Europejski 2: 150–154.
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2010. “Sprawozdanie z polsko-czeskiego seminarium eksperckiego pt. Poland and Czech Republic: How to Deal with the Economic Crisis” [Conference Report from the Polish-Czech Expert Seminar: Poland and Czech Republic: How to Deal with the Economic Crisis]. Przegląd Europejski 2: 144–149.
Book reviews:
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2015. Review of Webs of Empire: Locating New Zealand’s Colonial Past by Tony Ballantyne (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books 2012, ISBN 978-1-927131-43-5). Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies 3(1).
- Biskup, Przemysław. 2015. Review of The Pacific Island in China’s Grand Strategy: Small States, Big Games by Jian Yang (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2011, ISBN 978-0-230-11323-7). Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies 3(1).
- Biskup, Przemysław, ed. 2015. Influence of Devolution on the United Kingdom’s European Policy-Making: From Imperial to Post-Imperial Solutions. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Wydziału Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych UW. (forthcoming).
- Biskup, Przemysław, ed. 2015. Wpływ dewolucji na politykę europejską Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Influence of Devolution on the United Kingdom’s European Policy-Making: From Imperial to Post-Imperial Solutions]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Wydziału Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych UW.
- Biskup, Przemysław., and Małgorzata Kaczorowska, eds. 2015. System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Political System of the United Kingdom], 2nd Edition: Revised and Updated. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR. (forthcoming)
Other experience
Reviews for publishers of books and journals:
- M. Szczepanik, J. Kucharczyk, "Nie tylko polityka zagraniczna. Polacy w Parlamencie Europejskim na półmetku 7. Kadencji", ISP, Warszawa 2012: Publishing review for the Institute of Public Affairs (March-April 2012): "Not just Foreign Policy: Polish MEPs in the European Parliament of the 7th Term".
- A. Heywood, "Ideologie polityczne. Wprowadzenie", Wyd. Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2007: Publishing review for the PWN Scientific Publishers (January 2008) of Polish edition of Andrew Heywood’s "Political Ideologies: An Introduction".
- Participation in the expert seminar organised by the Institute of Public Affairs to discuss the draft report on the process Europeanisation of Polish political parties on the example of activities of undertaken by the Polish MEPs in 2004-2006 (29.11.2006). Noted in the acknowledgements: J. Ćwiek-Karpowicz, P. Kaźmierkiewicz, M. Pucyk, Polscy posłowie do Parlamentu Europejskiego. Aktywność i wpływ na krajową scenę polityczną, Warszawa: ISP, 2007, p. 159.
- Since 2009 blind reviewer cooperating with the following academic journals:
- Semi-annual, since 2013 quaterly "Przegląd Europejski" ("European Review") (Institute of Political Science, and later the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw).
- Bi-monthly "Unia", (former "Wspólnoty Europejskie" journal, Publisher by the Institute for Market, Consumption and Business Cycles Research in Warsaw).
- Quarterly "Przegląd Politologiczny" ("Political Science Review") (Academic Publishing House of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan).
- Quarterly "Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne" ("Athenaeum: Polish Political Science Studies") (Nicholas Copernicu University in Torun and Adam Marszałek Academic Publishing House Toruniu).
Experience in editing academic journals:
- Since October 2013 – founding member of the editorial board (Associate Editor) of the academic quarterly journal "Polish Journal of Political Science".
- December 2012 – December 2013: associate editor of the academic quarterly journal „Przegląd Europejski” (“European Review”) (Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw, Issues: 3 (26)/2012–2 (28)/2013.
Research projects based on external funding:
- 2015–2017 – member of the research team of the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw responsible for the research project: MoreEU –More Europe to Overcome the Crisis implemented within the EU’s Jean Monnet Network by the consortium of the Scuola Superiore Santa’Anna w Pizie (project leader); the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw; the Notre Europe – Institute Jacques Delors (Paris); University Institute for European Studies, CEU San Pablo University (Madrid) and the Nova Law School (Lisbon). My responsibility within the project is convening the organization of the international scientific conference in Warsaw (Spring 2016).
- 2011–2015 – coordinator of the project team managed by Prof. F. Gołembski (other team members: M. Kaczorowska, W. Lewandowski and K. Winkler): Wpływ dewolucji na politykę europejską Zjednoczonego Królestwa – od rozwiązań imperialnych do postimperialnych (Influence of Devolution on United Kingdom’s European Policy: From Imperial to Post-Imperial Solutions), National Science Centre/Ministry of Science and Higher Education Research Grant No. N N116 712540.
- 2009–2012 – project manager: Wpływ brytyjskiej tożsamości politycznej na udział Zjednoczonego Królestwa w europejskich projektach integracyjnych (Influence of British Political Identity on United Kingdom’s Participation in European Integration Projects); National Science Centre / Ministry of Science and Higher Education Research Grant No. N N116 434237).
- 2007–2010 – research team member in the project managed by Prof. F. Gołembsk (other team members: J. Miecznikowska, M. Gierycz, A. Szymański): Rola polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego w kształtowaniu jego polityki 2004–2009 (The Role of Polish MEPs in Shaping European Parliament’s Policies: 2004-2009), State Committee for Scientific Research / Ministry of Science and Higher Education Research Grant No. N N116 0666 33; www.pe2004
Research projects funded by the University of Warsaw:
- 2012–2014 – project manager: Euroscepticism in Europe (Eurosceptycyzm w Europie – wybrane aspekty).
- 2011–2013 – project manager: Methodology in British and Commonwealth Studies (Studia Brytyjskie – aspekty metodologiczne).
- 2011–2013 – Postdoctoral research sholarship (habilitacja): Wpływ tożsamości politycznej na udział Zjednoczonego Królestwa w europejskich projektach integracyjnych (Influence of British Political Identity on UK’s Participation in European Integration Projects).
- 2011–2012 – co-manager (with Dr Malgorzata Kaczorowska) of the project: British Politics, set within the framework of the programme on Modernisation of political systems in the EU Member States (Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, UW). Final result: Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, eds. 2012. System polityczny Zjednoczonego Królestwa [Political System of the United Kingdom]. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- 2011 – project manager: UK General Election 2010. Final result: Franciszek Gołembski, Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, Wojciech Lewandowski, eds. 2011. Polityka brytyjska po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010. Analiza wybranych problemów [British Politics after the General Election 2010: Analysis of Selected Problems]. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
- 2010 – project manager: Thirteen Years of Labour Government in the United Kingdom: An Appraisal. Final result: Franciszek Gołembski, Przemysław Biskup, Małgorzata Kaczorowska, eds. 2010. Era Blaira i Browna. Wybrane problemy polityczne rządów Partii Pracy w Zjednoczonym Królestwie 1997–2010. [Blair’s and Brown’s Era. Select Political Problems of Labour Government in the United Kingdom 1997-2010]. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.
Select conference presentations:
- Politics, Policy and Institutions of UK's European Policy-Making: The Case of Wales in Comparative Perspective; Celtic Puzzles: Social Politics of Wales Conference, Institute of Political and European Studies (University of Szczecin/Poland), English Department (University of Szczecin/Poland) in co-operation with: Institute of European Studies (University of Warsaw/Poland) and Research Unit for Minority Languages, University of Leipzig/Germany (Szczecin, 04–06.11.2014).
- Is Scotland A Benchmark for Devolution?: (A)symmetry of National Models of Devolution within the UK; Scotland and Europe II Conference, Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw (Kazimierz Dolny, 15–17.10.2014).
- Współpraca eurosceptycznych partii politycznych jako przykład europeizacji à rebours na przykładzie działalności grup UEN, ECR, IND i EDF w Parlamencie Europejskim 6. i 7. kadencji (Cooperation of Eurosceptic Parties as European Integrataion à rebours The case of the UEN, ECR, IND i EDF Groups in the European Parliamnt of the 6th and 7th Term); I National Congress of European Studies: Poland and European Integration – The Decade of Experience: Polish Association for European Studies and the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 18–20.09.2014)
- Euro-pragmatists, Euro-rejects, or Euro-alternativists?: Party-based Euroscepticism in Poland in the Light of the European Elections 2004-2014; presentation within the panel: Ten Years Lost? Decade of Central-Eastern European Party-Based Euro-skepticism in the European Union (RC03 European Unification), 23rd World Congress of Political Science: Challenges of Contemporary Governance, International Political Science Association (Montreal, 19–24.07.2014).
- W jakim stopniu wybory europejskie pozostają wyborami drugiego rzędu? Kampania do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2014 r. w Polsce i Wielkiej Brytanii w perspektywie porównawczej (To What Extend European Elections Are Still Second-Order? European Election Campaign 2014 in Poland and the UK in a Comparative Perspective); Eurosceptycyzm w Polsce i w Europie (Euroscepticism in Poland and Europe Workshop), Insitute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University (Kraków, 30.05.2014).
- West Meets East: Relevance of Central-Eastern European Separatist Experience for Centrifugal Movements in Western Europe after the Cold War; The Joint Sessions of Workshops: Transformation of Nationalism after the Collapse of Communism, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 14.05.2014).
- Scotland in Europe and the UK out of Europe?: Consequences of the Scottish Independence Debate for the Party-Based Euroscepticism in Britain (continuation of the Opting Out of the EU? Contemporary Euroscepticism in the UK Conference); Workshop on British Euroscepticism, Department of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Huddersfield (Huddersfield, 13–14.09.2013).
- New Zealand and Australia: Do the Commonwealth Links Matter for the EU's and NATO's Relations with the South Pacific Region? (presentation co-authord with Mr. Rafał Kamiński MA, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Warsaw); 19th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Studies Association: New Zealand and the South Pacific, New Zealand Studies Association and the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (Nijmegen, 27–29.06.2013).
- Party-Based Euroscepticism in the UK and the Perspective of the Britain’s EU Referendum (co authored with Dr Małgorzata Kaczorowska, Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw); Polish and British Politics 2013: The Challenges and Opposition to the European Integration Workshop, British Socio-Political Studies Research Group BRITANNIA and the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 24.05.2013).
- Scotland in Europe and the UK out of Europe?: Consequences of the Scottish Independence Debate for the Party-Based Euroscepticism in Britain; Opting Out of the EU? Contemporary Euroscepticism in the UK Conference, University of Toulon (France) and the University of Huddersfield (UK) (Toulon, 9–10.04.2013).
- State of the Union: Football and the Crisis of Britishness; Football: Politics of the Global Game Conference, Faclty of Journalism and Political Science (Warszawa, 29–30.11.2012).
- Commonwealth wczoraj i dziś. Polityka, kultura, społeczeństwo (The Commonwealth in the Past and in the Present: Politics, Society and Cuture: Workshop for the Doctoral Students); Department of Britsh and Commonwealth Studies, Faculty of International and Poltical Studies, opening lecture: Zjednoczone Królestwo a Commonwealth w dobie szkockiego referendum niepodległościowego (The United Kingdom and the Commonwealth in time of the Scottish Independence Referendum) (Łódź, 21-22.11.2012).
- Consequences of Scotland’s Independence for the EU Policy-Making; Scotland and Europe Conference, Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw (Kazimierz Dolny, 17–19.10.2012).
- Współczesny model brytyjskiej tożsamości politycznej a procesy regionalizacji w Zjednoczonym Królestwie (Contemporary Model of the British Political Identity and the UK’s Devolution); presentation within the Panel 34: Regiony i regionalizmy w Unii Europejskiej (Regions and Regionalism in the European Union), The Second National Political Science Congress: Poland, Europe and Challenges of Modern World, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Polish Political Science Association (PTNP) (Poznań, 19–21.09.2012).
- Wpływ brytyjskich koncepcji federalistycznych w XX w. na udział Zjednoczonego Królestwa w procesie integracji europejskiej (Influence of the 20th Century British Federalism on UK’s Participation in the European Integration); presentation within the Panel 38: Polityka brytyjska a proces integracji europejskiej (British Politics and the European Integration), The Second National Political Science Congress: Poland, Europe and Challenges of Modern World, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Polish Political Science Association (PTNP) (Poznań, 19–21.09.2012).
- Britain and New Zealand: Influence of Economic and Cultural Links on the United Kingdom’s Accession Negations with the EC; 18th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Studies Association: New Zealand and Europe: Borders, Nations, Identities, New Zealand Studies Association and the Department of Politics, University of Gdansk (Gdansk, 6–8.07.2012).
- Doktryna suwerenności Parlamentu a europejskie procedury decyzyjne w świetle European Union Act 2011 (British Doctrine of Sovereignty in the Light of Decision-Making Procedures in EU Matters Introduced by the European Union Act 2011); Konstytucjonalizm w państwach anglosaskich (Constitutionalism in the Anglo-Saxon Countries Conference), Jagiellonian University (Kraków, 24–25.05.2012).
- The Coalition Government’s Agenda in the Light of Queen’s Speech 2012; State of the Union 2012: UK’s European Policy in the Time of Crisis, Department of European Studies, University of Warsaw and the Research Group BRITANNIA (Warszawa, 18.05.2012) (www).
- Eurosceptic Movements in Poland; Poland and the EU: Pre-Accession Ideals vs. Post-Accession Realities Workshop, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies Round Table & the Sussex European Institute (London, 10.05.2012).
- A Marriage of Convenience or Ideological Passion? The British Conservatives and Polish Law and Justice party in the European Conservatives and Reformists Group; Sussex European Institute Research-in-Progress Seminar (Brighton-Falmer, 09.05.2012).
- Wpływ brytyjskiej tożsamości politycznej na udział Zjednoczonego Królestwa w europejskich projektach integracyjnych (Influence of British Political Identity on UK’s Participation in European Integration Projects); presentation of the post-doctoral reserach project during the Third National Workshop in European Studies Research Methods, Institute of Political science, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Warszawa, 19–20.04.2012).
- Idea brytyjskości we wczesnej nowożytności w świetle „Henryka V” W. Shakespeare’a (Idea of Britishness in Early Modern Age in the Light of Shakespeare’s Henry the Fifth); Szekspir w polskiej literaturze, sztuce i mediach (Shakespeare in Polish Literature, Art and Media), International Shakespeare Studies Centre, Faculty of International Relations and Politics, University of Lodz, 17.04.2012).
- British Monarchy and the Contemporary British Political Identity, British Politics 2011: A New Opening? Workshop; Department of European Studies and the Research Group BRITANNIA (Warszawa, 20.06.2011) (www).
- Działalność polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego w zakresie polityki wschodniej UE (Activities of the Polish MEPs of the Sixth Term in Respect of the EU’s Eastern Dimension and European Neighbourhood Policy); Działalność polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego – VI kadencja: 2004-2009 (Activities of Polish MEPs of the Sixth Term Workshop), Department of European Studies and the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 26.10.2010).
- Perspektywy polityki europejskiej Zjednoczonego Królestwa po wyborach do Izby Gmin w 2010 r. (Perspectives of the UK’s European Policy after the General Election 2010), The Second National British Studies Conference: The United Kingdom after the General Election 2010 (Zjednoczone Królestwo po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010), Research Group Britannia, the Department of European Studies, and the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 15–16.09.2010) (www).
- Demokracja bezpośrednia w teorii i praktyce ustrojowej Zjednoczonego Królestwa na przykładzie referendum (Direct Democracy in UK’s Constitutional Theory and Practice on the Example of the Referendum); Stan i perspektywy demokracji bezpośredniej w Europie i świecie (The Present State and Perpsectives of Direct Democracy in Europe and in the World) Department of Politics, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University of Lublin (Lublin, 10–11.06.2010).
- Member of the expert panel: Między Europą a Ameryką? Perspektywy polityki zagranicznej Zjednoczonego Królestwa (Perspectives of British Foreign Policy-Making: Between Europe and the USA after the 2010 General Election), Polish Institute for Foreign Affairs (PISM) (Warszawa, 21.05.2010).
- Demokratyczny model państwa wyznaniowego: casus Zjednoczonego Królestwa (Established Church in the Democratic Society: The Case of the United Kingdom); Współczesne państwo wyznaniowe (Panel on the Contemporary Models of State-Church Relations), Insitute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 10.12.2009).
- Rozwój eurosceptycyzmu brytyjskiego w czasie rządów Partii Konserwatywnej i Partii Pracy w latach 1979-2009 (Development of UK Euroscepticism under the Conservative and Labour Governments of 1979-2009); Od Thatcher do Blaira. Wielka Brytania na przełomie XX i XXI wieku (From Thatcher to Blair: Britain at the Turn of 20th and 21st Cetrury), Institute of Political Science and European Studies, University of Szczecin (Szczecin, 27–29.10.2009).
- Wpływ polskich posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego na kształtowanie polityki wschodniej i polityki sąsiedztwa UE (Influence of Polish MEPs of the Sixth Term on Shaping EU’s Eastern and Neighbourhood Policies), presentation within the panel on the role of Poland in shaping EU’s external relations, The First National Political Science Congress, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science andf the Polish Political Science Association (PTNP) (Warszawa, 23.09.2009).
- Socio-Political Transformation in Poland 1989-2004; 9th Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation Summer School on the Principles for a Free Society (Musko, Sweden 14–17.08.2007).
- Participation in the expert seminar organised by the Institute of Public Affairs to discuss the draft report on the process Europeanisation of Polish political parties on the example of activities of undertaken by the Polish MEPs in 2004-2006 (29.11.2006). Note in the acknowledgements: J. Ćwiek-Karpowicz, P. Kaźmierkiewicz, M. Pucyk, Polscy posłowie do Parlamentu Europejskiego. Aktywność i wpływ na krajową scenę polityczną, Warszawa: ISP, 2007, p. 159.
- The European Debate in Poland, Le débat européen dans les pays de l’Europe centrale et orientale à la veille de l’élargissement (European Debate in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe on the Eve of Enlargement); Institut d’Études européennes – GASPPECO – Institut de Sociologie, Université libre de Bruxelles (Bruxelles, 23.04.2004).
Organisation of conferences:
- Member of the conference organising committee: Celtic Puzzles: Social Politics of Wales, Institute of Political and European Studies (University of Szczecin/Poland), English Department (University of Szczecin/Poland) in co-operation with: Institute of European Studies (University of Warsaw/Poland) and Research Unit for Minority Languages, University of Leipzig, Germany (Szczecin, 04–06.11.2014).
- Chairman of the workshop organising committee: Britain, Poland and Europe after the European Election 2014; Research Group Britannia and the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 16.06.2014) (
- Co-chairman (with Prof. F. Gołembski) of the workshop organising committee: Scotland, Britain and Europe 2014: Challenges of (dis)integration; Research Group Britannia and the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 15.05.2014) (
- Member of the workshop organising committee: What after Croatia's Accession?: The Post-Vugoslav Space and the European integration; Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 13.11.2013).
- Co-chairman (with Prof. F. Gołembski) of the workshop organising committee: Polish and British Politics 2013: The Challenges and Opposition to the European Integration; Research Group Britannia and the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 24.05.2013).
- Chairman of the workshop organising committee: State of the Union 2012: UK`s European Policy in the Time of Crisis; Research Group Britannia, the Department of European Studies, and the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 18.05.2012).
- Co-ordinator of the workshop organising committee: British Politics 2011: A New Opening?; Research Group Britannia, the Department of European Studies, and the Institute of Political Science (Warszawa, 20.06.2011).
- Co-ordinator of the conference organising committee: The Second National British Studies Conference: The United Kingdom after the General Election 2010 (Zjednoczone Królestwo po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010), Research Group Britannia, the Department of European Studies, and the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 15–16.09.2010) (www).
- Co-ordinator of the workshop organising committee: Zjednoczone Królestwo po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010: Nowe otwarcie w polityce wewnętrznej i zagranicznej (United Kingdom after the General Election 2010: A New Opening in Domestic and Foreign Policies); Research Group Britannia, the Department of European Studies and the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 31.05.2010).
Panel proposing and chairing:
- Chairing the Session V, Celtic Puzzles: Social Politics of Wales Conference, Institute of Political and European Studies (University of Szczecin/Poland), English Department (University of Szczecin/Poland) in co-operation with: Institute of European Studies (University of Warsaw/Poland) and Research Unit for Minority Languages, University of Leipzig, Germany (Szczecin, 04–06.11.2014).
- Panel chairing: Scottish Political Discourse; Scotland and Europe II Conference, Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw (Kazimierz Dolny, 15–17.10.2014).
- Panel proposing and chairing: This blessed plot… ? : The British Referenda of 2014–2017 and the Future of the European Union; 23rd World Congress of Political Science: Challenges of Contemporary Governance, International Political Science Association (RC03 European Unification) (Montreal, 19–24.07.2014).
- Panel chairing: The European Election 2014: What future for the EU in the next parliamentary term?; Britain, Poland and Europe after the European Election 2014 Workshop; Research Group BRITANNIA and the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 16.06.2014).
- Panel chairing: Britain and Europe: Exchange of Perspectives; Scotland, Britain and Europe 2014: Challenges of (dis)integration Workshop; Research Group BRITANNIA and the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 15.05.2014).
- Panel proposing and chairing: State of Unions: Separatisms and Crisis of National Unity in Time of EU’s Crisis; 7th ECPR General Conference, European Consortium for Political Research & Sciences Po Bordeaux (Bordeaux, 04–08.09.2013).
- Panel chairing: Theoretical and methodological issues in Eurosceptic Studies; Polish and British Politics 2013: Challenges and Opposition to the European Integration Workshop; Research Group BRITANNIA and the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 24.05.2013).
- Proposing and chairing the Panel 38: Polityka brytyjska a proces integracji europejskiej (British Politics and the European Integration); The Second National Political Science Congress: Poland, Europe and Challenges of Modern World, Faculty of Politoical Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Polish Political Science Association (PTNP) (Poznań, 19–21.09.2012).
- Chairing the panel containing the keynote speeches by Professor Simon Bulmer (Department of Politics, University of Sheffield) and Professor Tim Bale (Sussex European Institute): Political Developments in British Politics in the Second Year of Coalition Government; State of the Union 2012: UK’s European Policy in the Time of Crisis Workshop, Department of European Studies, University of Warsaw and the Research Group BRITANNIA (Warszawa, 18.05.2012).
- Chairing the panel EU’s Financial Perspective 2014–2020; Poland and the Czech Republic: How to Deal with the Economic Crisis expert seminar organised within the Polish-Czech Forum by the Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych and the Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky (Praha, 4 5.10.2010).
- Panel chairing: Reformy w zakresie decentralizacji i samorządności lokalnej w Zjednoczonym Królestwie oraz ich perspektyw po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010 r. (Prospects for Devolution and Local Government Reform after the General Election 2010), The Second National British Studies Conference: The United Kingdom after the General Election 2010 (Zjednoczone Królestwo po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010), Research Group Britannia, the Department of European Studies, and the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 15-16.09.2010) (www).
- Panel co-chairing: Zjednoczone Królestwo po wyborach parlamentarnych 2010: Nowe otwarcie w polityce wewnętrznej i zagranicznej (United Kingdom after the General Election 2010: A New Opening in Domestic and Foreign Policies Workshop); Research Group Britannia, the Department of European Studies and the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (Warszawa, 31.05.2010).
Internships and scholarships:
- June–July 2006 – Internship at the Eurpean People’s Party – European Democrats Group, European Parliament.
- July 2004 – Canton of Nauchâtel Government Scholarship - Cours d’été de langue et civilisation françaises, Université de Nauchâtel.
- October 2002–February 2003 – Marie Curie Fellowship, Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex (Brighton).
- 2013 – Rector’s Team Award for research accomplishments.
- 2011 – Dean’s Award for accomplishments in conference and research organisation, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw.
- 2010 – Dean’s Award for accomplishments in conference and research organisation, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw.
- 2009 – Dean’s Award for excellence in teaching, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw.
Media presence
Comments and interviews in the press:
Comments and interviews on radio and TV:
- P. Biskup, live comment on Australia’s foreign and immigration policies in the context of the terrorist attack by Islamist fundamentalist in Sidney; The Polish Radio – Programme 3 (Trzy strony świata), December 15th, 2014.
- P. Biskup, live comment on the independence referendum in Scotland; The Polish Radio – PolskieRadio 24 (Świat w powiększeniu), September 17th, 2014.
- P. Biskup, live comment on the independence referendum in Scotland; The Polish Radio – Programme 4 (Europejski Lunch), September 15th, 2014.
- P. Biskup, live comment on the independence referendum in Scotland; The Polish Radio – Programme 3 (Magazyn Europejski), September 10th, 2014.
- P. Biskup, comment on the developments concerning the Scottish indenpendece referendum; The Polish Radio – Programme 1 (Magazyn Europejski), May 30th, 2014.
- P. Biskup, comment on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit in the UK and the state of Anglo-German relations in the context of EU policy-making; The Polish Radio – Programme 1 (Magazyn Europejski), Febrauary 27th, 2014.
- P. Biskup, live comment on the state of the UK immigration-policy debate and the position of Polish migrants; The Polish Radio – Programme 1 (Europejskie południe), January 5th, 2014.
- P. Biskup, comment concerning the announcement by the Scottish Government of its White paper: Scotland's Future – Your Guide to an Independent Scotland; The Polish Radio – Programme 1 (Magazyn Europejski), November 26th, 2013.
- P. Biskup, live comment on the political debate in the UK concerning passing into law the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013; Radio Tok FM (Połączenie), July 22nd, 2013.
- P. Biskup, live comment concerning the birth of the Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge and the reform of the rules of UK’s royal succession; The Polish Radio – Programme 3 (Trzy strony świata), July 15th, 2013.
- P. Biskup, live comment concerning the birth of the Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge and the reform of the rules of UK’s royal succession; The Polish Radio – Programme 1 (Polska i Świat, Raport o stanie świata), July 15th, 2013.
- P. Biskup, live comment on the political debate in the UK concerning Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2013; Radio Tok FM (Połączenie), June 6th, 2013.
- P. Biskup, live comment on the UK immigration policy in the context of the Speech from the Throne of May 8th, 2013; Radio Tok FM (Połączenie), May 9th, 2013.
- P. Biskup, comment on Margaret Thatcher’s heritige in the British politics on the occasion of her demise; Radio ESKA, April 14th, 2013.
- P. Biskup, live comment concerning the Falkland referendum on remaining the British Overseas Territory; The Polish Radio – Programme 3 (Trzy strony świata), March 11th, 2013.
- P. Biskup, participation in the live-broadcast panel with Michael Dembinski, British-Polish Chamber of Commerce and Paweł Kowal MEP concerning UK’s relations with the European Union an the prospects for calling the UK referendum on withdrawal from the EU; Radio PiN (Kontra), January 16th, 2013.
- P. Biskup, comment on troubles in the Northern Irleand connected to flying the Union Jack over the Belfast townhall; The Polish Radio External Service, January 10th, 2013.
- P. Biskup, live comment on the UK’s rules of royal sucession in the context of the Royal Court’s relations with the media and the suicide of the nurse responsible for taking after the pregnant Dutchess of Cambridge, TVN24 (Polska i Świat), December 8th, 2012.
- P. Biskup, live comment on UK’s rules of royal succession and the role of monarchy in British society; The Polish Radio – Programme 3, December 5th, 2012.
- P. Biskup, comment on the UK’s European Policy and the prospects of UK’s referendum on withdrawal from the EU; The Polish Radio External Service, October 10th, 2012.
- P. Biskup, comment on the UK’s European Policy, rise in the British Euroscepticism, and the prospects of UK’s referendum on withdrawal from the EU; The Polish Radio External Service, July 25th, 2012.
- P. Biskup, comment on BBC’s Panorama controversial report concerning fans’ and players’ security during the Euro 2012 Football Championship in Poland and Ukraine, The Polish Radio External Service, May 30th, 2012.
- P. Biskup, comment on the characteristics of the UK’s Conctitution, The Polish Radio External Service, May 3rd, 2012.
- P. Biskup, comment on Prince Harry’s visit to Jamaica and on the Jamaican government’s bid for the referendum on abolishment of monarchy, The Polish Radio – Programme 3, March 7th, 2012.
- P. Biskup, comment on Prince William’s trip to the Falkland Islands and on recent developments in British-Argentinean dispute over the archipelago, TVN 24, February 6th, 2012.
- P. Biskup, comment on the public hearing of Mr. Rupert Murdoch at the Culture, Media and Sport Committee of the House of Commons concerning the hacking scandal, The Polish Radio – Programme 1, July 19th, 2011.
- P. Biskup, comment on the Royal Wedding and impact of the monarchy on British social life, The Polish Radio External Service, April 28th, 2011.
Teaching experience:
- Lectures, Tutorials and Workshops taught on History of Political Thought, History of Political Institutions, Constitutional History of Poland in Comparative European Perspective, Introduction to Jurisprudence, Fundamental Visions of European Integration and others.